
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Rainbow Cake!!

Rainbow Cake


2 n 1/2 cup All Purpose Flour.
1 cup butter(Softened 2 sticks)

1/4 cup Canola oil.

2 n 1/4 cup sugar.

4 eggs.

Food Colours.(your Choice)
1 tbs Cocoa Powder.

1 cup whole milk.

1 tsp Vanilla Extract.
1/2 tsp Salt.
1tbs baking Powder.


Preheat oven to 300 F.
Mix sugar ,Oil and Butter till light and fluffy.
Add eggs and mix till pale yellow.
Add all purpose flour,baking powder and salt.(don't overmix)
Then add milk and mix just till combined.
Add Vanilla extract.
Divide the Batter into 4 different parts.
Add different colours in each and in the fourth one add cocoa Powder.
Put the Dollops of coloures batter in random fashion.

Take a skewer and make light swirls in the batter creating a design.

Bake the cake for about and hour or till the toothpick comes out clean.


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