
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Air Fryer Kurkuri Bhindi!


Small Okra 15 to 20.
1/4 cup roasted peanuts.
1 tbs Coriander Cumin powder.
1/2 tsp chilli powder.
2 pinches of dry mango powder.
Salt as per taste.
2 tbs Oil.
Air Fryer.


Preheat the airfryer at 385F.
Grind all the dry ingredients together.

Partially Slit the okra lenghtwise.
Fill the Okra with dry ingredients.

Arrange the okra on in the airfryer.
Do Not Overlap.

Spray some oil.
Air fry the okra for 10 to 12 mins.(keep checking after 5 mins.

Grilled Veggie Quesadilla!!!


2 Bell Peppers same or different colors sliced lengthwise.
1 Zucchini cut in to semicircles/sliced.
1 large red onion sliced lengthwise.
4-5 mushrooms sliced lengthwise.

1 tbs Cajun seasoning.(add more as per your preference)
4 to 6  Corn Tortillas.
Some butter.
2 cups Mexican cheese blend.
1/4 cup spread of your choice.(buffalo Ranch, Chipotle Ranch or simple Mayonnaise)


Preheat the grill at 350 F,Or just do it indoors on a grill pan.
Cut the veggies lengthwise .Add any of your Favorite Veggies!!!!!!(corn/broccoli,eggplant)
Toss the veggies with Cajun Seasoning, Salt and Pepper .

Drizzle some oil.
Grill the veggies on the grill or a grill pan till partially cooked and have a crunch.

Put it aside.
Take the tortillas and spread some butter and toss it on a pan for min or 2 on both the sides. Remember we just have to warm it.

Then spread the Chipotle ranch on one Tortilla.
Sprinkle some cheese on top and then spread the grilled veggies evenly.
Then sprinkle some more cheese.

Top it with the other tortilla and place it gently on the grill.
Grill on both the sides till the cheese melts.
Take it out serve hot.

Simple Hakka Noodles.


1 pack Hakka Noodles.
1 cup thinly sliced green pepper.
1/2 cup thinly sliced Onion.
1 tbs Ginger Garlic paste.
2 tbs soy sauce.
1 tsp chilli flakes.
1/2 tsp white pepper powder.


Cook the noodles as per the package instructions.
Add 3 tbs oil in a wok.
Once the oil heats up add the ginger garlic paste. Saute for about a min.
Add the peppers and onions.
Saute on high heat for 1-2 mins.Keep the veggies crunchy.
Add salt ,soy sauce, chilli flakes .
Add the noodles.
Add white pepper powder.
Cook for 2-3 mins.
Serve hot.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Butter Chicken


4 -5 medium tomatoes(I use plum small tomatoes hence used more)
2 medium Onions.
Ratio of tomato and onions should be 2:1.
1 inch ginger and 2-3 cloves of garlic.

1/4 cup cashews.
Whole Dry spices(3-4 peppercorns,cinnnamon,cloves,2-3cardamoms)
1/4 cup cream.
1 tbs tomato paste.(or use tomato ketchup)
1 tbs Coriander cumin powder.
1 tbs Garam masala powder.
1 tbs kasoori methi.
1 tbs honey.
For chicken marination.
2 chicken breasts.
1 tbs Ginger garlic paste
1/2 tsp turmeric.
1/2 tbs chilli powder
1 tbs coriander cumin powder.


Marinate chicken breasts with ginger garlic paste ,salt, chilli powder ,turmeric and coriander cumin powder .Set aside for 15-20 mins.
Partially cook the chicken till slightly brown on both the sides.(do not cook completely)
Cut it into bite side pieces. Keep aside.

In the meanwhile add chopped tomatoes ,chopped onions, cashews ,ginger, garlic ,whole spices and about a cup of water. Boil till the Onions and tomatoes are soft and mushy.

Put the above cooked mixture in the grinder and grind it into a smooth paste.

Then take a pot.Add some butter and oil to it.
Then add the paste in the pot .
Add the tomato paste (or ketchup),Coriander cumin powder ,chilli powder and garam masala powder.
Bring it to a boil.

Then add the chicken pieces to the gravy.
Boil till chicken is completely cooked.(about 5 to 7 minutes)
Drizzle some honey according to your taste preference..(I added about 1 tbs as I like the curry a bit sweet, skip it if you want)
Finally add some kasoori methi.
And top it of with cream.

Serve hot with naan bread or Rice.