
Friday, July 20, 2018

Garlic Spaghetti with Asparagus and Mushrooms..!!

Garlic Spaghetti with Mushroom and Asparagus!!(my version)


4 servings of pasta or about 4 cups cooked Spaghetti.(al dente)follow instructions on the box.
2 to 2.5cups Asparagus cut into 1 inch pieces.(more if u like more veggies)
2-3 cups Mushrooms sliced lengthwise.
3-5 garlic cloves finely chopped.
1.5 tbs chilli flakes.(if u want it a bit spicy add in 1/2 tbs more)
Salt as per taste.
Crushed Black Pepper.
Few strings of finely chopped Parsley .
1/2 to 3/4 cup grated Parmeshan cheese.
Save some pasta water.(just in case)


Cook the Spaghetti as per the box instruction in slightly salted and the keep aside.
Take 4-5 tbs olive oil in a pan.
Add in chopped Garlic.Saute for a min.(don't let it brown too much)
Add in the chilli flakes.Saute for few seconds.
Then add in Asparaghus and mushrooms.Saute for a 2-3 mins till asparagus is slightly tender BUT NOT FULLY COOKED.WE NEED THAT CRUNCH.
Add salt as per taste.
Then add crushed Black Pepper.
Then add in the cooked Spaghetti.
Toss everything together.Coat the Spaghetti with the garlic infused oil and veggies.
And finally addd the Grated Parmeshan Cheese.

Switch off the burner.Garnish with chopped Parsley and serve.