
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Mint Chutney!!

Mint Coriander Chutney/multi purpose Chutney...!!!


1 small bunch of Mint leaves(Pudina)
2 Bunches of Coriander.
5-6 Cloves of Garlic.
4-6 Green chillies.(according to how hot you want it)
2 tsp of coriander seeds.
1 tsp cumin.
1 tbs lemon juice.
salt as per taste.


Dry roast coriander cumin seeds.
Add Mint, coriander leaves ,Roasted coriander seeds, cumin , cloves of Garlic and Green chillies to the grinder.
Make into a fine paste with very little water.
Add salt and lemon juice.
The chutney is ready.
You can freeze the chutney for about a month ,if you plan to do it just exclude lemon juice add it when you need it.
This chutney can be used in all types of chat or to have with sandwiches or patties tandoori almost everything.
You can add it to Biryani give a wonderful flavour :)
Add some yogurt to it , it can be added to the frankies!!!!